Dive into Success: Support Alternative Family Education's ROV Team on GoFundMe

Alternative Family Education's ROV team at the STEAM expo at the Watsonville Fairgrounds

Eric, Emma, Ezra, Hannah, Jasper, Kai, Koji, Lars, Marcus, Sami, and Summer represent AFE's 2024 ROV team at the Santa Cruz County’s STEAM expo.

Elite Construction's Eric Lamascus embarked on a journey into the captivating realm of underwater exploration six years ago when his children developed an interest in the Monterey Bay. During a family outing to an MBARI (Monterrey Bay Aquarium Research Institute) expo, Eric and his kids learned about a high school ROV competition held annually at Watsonville High School. This program challenged students from across the county to design, program, build, and market their own ROV. Each year, participating schools converge to compete in a series of tasks, including underwater obstacle courses, engineering presentations, and marketing pitches. Inspired by this opportunity, Eric and his children decided to assemble a team of enthusiastic students from the Alternative Family Education program to launch their own underwater robotics team.

Despite encountering initial challenges and a few setbacks—such as the first year when the ROV team 3D-printed all their components, leading to porosity issues and a leaky ROV 😳—the team persisted and emerged victorious, claiming top honors in their competition level.Y

You may be wondering, what exactly is an ROV? A Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) is an underwater robot designed to explore and assess environments that were once inaccessible or too hazardous for humans. These remarkable machines enable researchers and industry professionals to delve into the depths of our oceans, unlocking valuable insights into ocean health and biodiversity.

This year, our team's mission extends beyond building an ROV. We aim to develop a suite of profiling floats equipped with cutting-edge chemical and biological sensors. These floats will enable us to monitor circulation, chemistry, biology, and overall ocean health with unparalleled precision. Each member of our team, from CEOs to CFOs, Electrical and Mechanical Engineers to Marketing Leads, plays a crucial role in this endeavor.

The AFE's ROV program transcends mere robotics; it's about empowering young minds and nurturing a passion for technology. Through hands-on problem-solving experiences, our team exposes students to opportunities they may never have imagined. Former ROV team students have been propelled into the realms of engineering and mentorship, with one student attending an engineering school on the East Coast and another former student leading Cabrillo College’s ROV team to victory in the International Championship two years in a row.

Our program is more than just engineering and science. It equips students with essential skills in marketing, public speaking, and entrepreneurship. It’s preparing them for success in any field they choose to pursue.

As our team prepares to dive into this year’s ROV competition on May 4th, we are asking for your support. Please click on the link below and make a donation. As simple as our project was, it still cost us nearly $2K (most teams spend $5K+). Your donation is an investment in the future of our community. All contributions are tax-deductible and deeply appreciated. Join us in supporting the AFE underwater robotics team as we embark on another exciting adventure. Together, let's make waves and inspire the next generation of innovators!


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